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Critical Journal of History of Ideas

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Critical Journal of History of Ideas

International Review of  Philosophy

ISSN 2035-732X 

ISSN (Paper Edition) 2240-7995

Andrea Tagliapietra, Sebastiano Ghisu

Managing Director:
Giovanni Campus

Enrico Cerasi

Staff Coordination:

Erminio Maglione, Valentina Sperotto, Gianpaolo Cherchi, Alessandra Pigliaru 

Critical Journal of History of Ideas is indexed  in The Philosopher's Index, PhilPapers and ACNP - Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici

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The Journal

The «Critical Journal of the History of Ideas», founded in 2009 by Andrea Tagliapietra and Sebastiano Ghisu, is an international journal of philosophy, with a six-monthly frequency, actively engaged in the fields of Cultural-philosophical studies and the History of ideas.

All papers are checked with a double-blind peer review.

The editorial line is oriented towards an audience of scientific users whose interests are of a philosophical matrix but, because of the characteristic organization in thematic numbers, the publication lends itself to being widely used as an instrument of precious cultural integration for scholars also interested in the literary, artistic, historical and anthropological disciplines. [...]


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