N.2/2023 Dalla teoria alla storia. Attualità e metodi della Storia della Filosofia
Il cortile dello Stato etico. Giovanni Gentile nel dibattito sulle riforme costituzionali Giovanni Gentile nel dibattito sulle riforme costituzionali del primo fascismo (1922-1925)
Laura Cerasi
Published in December, 2023
The Ethical State Backyard. Giovanni Gentile and the Debate on Constitutional Reform in Early Fascism (1922-1925).

The article situates Gentile’s thinking on the ethical state in the political context in which it takes shape, particularly in the debate on the transformation of the state after Fascism’s seizure of power. The implementation of constitutional reforms that overcame the old liberal state, harmonising the new with the upcoming political order, and at the same time taking into account the main demands of contemporary modernity such as the inception of Fordism, was discussed in the Commissions for the reform of the State that Gentile chaired between 1924 and 1925. In this context, a paradigm of the Fascist State was established that had a great impact on the political culture of the inter-war period.
Giovanni Gentile, Ethical state, Fascism, syndicalism, corporatism, technocracy.