N.1/2019 L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e tradizione
Saggi (Parte III) – Paradigmi e orientamenti
Sull’uso di Benjamin e Heidegger da parte di Agamben
Gianpaolo Cherchi
UniversitaÌ€ “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele, Milano
Published in June, 2019
About the Use of Benjamin and Heidegger by Agamben

During his research, Agamben has always made an extensive use of authors such Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger, retrieving their lexicon, their speculative figures and their concepts. In his reflections on the relationship between history and language, Agamben comes to identify unusual comparisons between the two. Therefore the paper aims to retrace the speculative ground which makes such comparisons possible. More precisely it intends to show not only how these comparisons are hardly sustainable but, above all, how in the recent development of Agamben’s thought the figure of Heidegger plays an increasingly marginal role.
Agamben, Heidegger, Benjamin, use, gesture, philosophy of history.