N.1/2019 L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e tradizione
Saggi (Parte III) – Paradigmi e orientamenti
Conflitto e profezia. Mario Tronti e Sergio Quinzio
Rita Fulco
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Published in June, 2019
Conflict and Prophecy: Mario Tronti and Sergio Quinzio

This essay aims to demonstrate that the concepts of conflict and prophecy play a key role in the thought of Mario Tronti and Sergio Quinzio – even though they are interpreted in a different way. Tronti describes them as “extreme think- ing and careful acting”, remaining “within and against” the mainstream sociopolitical system. Quinzio, instead, interprets conflict and prophecy as spes contra spem, “hoping against hope” (Romans 4:18); hence, he observes the present lucidly, remaining tenaciously faithful to the promise of the Second Coming of Christ. Tronti, rethinking some fundamental aspects of the Quinzio’s reflections, connects clearly the Marxian conception of the world, on the one hand, with the theological-political one, and, on the other hand, with the messianic one; in this way, it reveals itself as a resource of meaning, from which even today we can draw.
Mario Tronti, Sergio Quinzio, conflict, prophecy, political theology.