N.1/2019 L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e tradizione
Note critiche
Elettra Stimilli (a cura di), Decostruzione o biopolitica?
Antonio Moretti
UniversitaÌ€ “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele, Milano
Published in June, 2019
Elettra Stimilli (ed.), Deconstruction or Biopolitics?

Decostruzione o biopolitica? aims to bring to light both differences and affinities – in their problematic interplay – between deconstruction and biopolitics, thus lifting the smokescreen of French Theory as a unified field of research and revoking its role as an unambiguous and functional category of the history of philosophy. At the same time, this collected edition points towards the work that ITN (Italian Thought Network) has been doing for the past decade: retracing the roots (both ancient and recent) of contemporary Italian philosophy and the emergence of Italian biopolitics as a prominent topic in international debates. The struggle between deconstruction and biopolitics becomes then a symbol for the complex genealogies that can be re-activated towards the construction of a thought intended as a conflictual practice.
Italian Thought, Italian Theory, French Theory, Biopolitics, Deconstruction.