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N.1/2019 L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e tradizione
Saggi (Parte I) – Nelle pieghe dell’attualitaÌ€
Il tempo dell’Italian Thought
Elia Zaru
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Published in June, 2019
The Time of the Italian Thought
Reflecting on the Italian Thought between globalization and tradition implies thinking on the tension, spatial and temporal, which exists between these two terms. The first part of the article deals briefly with the spatial one, while in the other parts my aim is to reflect on the “temporal” boundaries of the Italian Thought. Starting with a brief consideration of two main critiques addressed to this category, I will outline a possible answer to the question on how is it possible to keep the Italian Thought far from a “neutralization” both political and theoretical.
Italian Thought, Temporal boundaries, political normalization, theoretical normalization, conflict
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