N.1/2020 Traduzione
Pasolini “riformista”? Un’ipotesi di lavoro
Luca Basile
(Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano)
Published in June, 2020
Pasolini as a “reformist”? A working hypothesis

The work attempts to outline a critical interpretation of the theoretical-ideological implications found in Pasolini’s work, starting from his commitment as polemicist and civic observer. The goal is to bring out the dual profile of his position, which, while cultivating the aestheticizing cult of the literary tradition and the intellectual role, appeared able to propose great metaphors of the change of the Italian ruling class, endowed with of particular historical-political effectiveness. Hence the urgency to approximate the problematic connection with Marx and Gramsci, carrying out an articulated research path.
Pasolini, Gramsci, mediation, intellectuals, history, Italy.