N.1/2020 Traduzione
Henri Meschonnic e l’arte del tradurre
Giuseppe D’Acunto
(Ateneo Pontificio “Regina Apostolorum”, Roma)
Published in June, 2020
Henri Meschonnic: a poetics of translation

This essay is dedicated to the concept of translation elaborated by Henri Meschonnic, who sees it as the expression of a semantic conception that draws on the idea of a subsistent continuum between rhythm, syntax and prosody. The consequence is the rejection of all those dualisms which, in this disciplinary sphere, reflect our typical way of thinking through oppositions: the dualism between meaning and signifier, content and form, verse and prose, spoken word and written word. The translation is thus configured as a “re-enunciation” of the original text, thinking that between the language of the latter and that of the text translated a reciprocal communication must be established, productive of inexhaustible resources in terms of otherness and difference.
rhythm, significance, subjectivity, decentralization, ethics of translation.