N.2/2017 Riforme religiose, rivoluzioni politiche
Riforma, dottrina e azione. Considerazioni su Esercizio
di Cristianesimo di Søren Kierkegaard
Giacomo Petrarca
UniversitaÌ€ Vita e Salute – San Raffaele
Published in December, 2017

Reformation, Doctrine and Action. Some Remarks upon Kierkegaard’s «Practice in Christianity»
This paper aims to propose an overview on Kierkegaard’s Practice in Christianity (1850), in order to underline the main elements of Kierkegaardian interpretation of Christianity. The first part of the paper provides an short over- view of the relationships between Kierkegaard, Luther and the meaning of reform in Kierkegaard’s perspective. The second part of the paper analyses the Kierkegaardian critique of false and inauthentic Christianity, in order to underline the importance of a new conception of temporality and the notion of contemporaneity with Christ, nerve centre of the Practice of Christianity. From the re-elaboration of these complex and deep concepts, the paper tries to show the originality of Kierkegaard’s philosophical and theological perspective about the Christianity.
Kierkegaard, reformation, doctrine action, temporality, contemporaneity