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N.2/2020 Filosofia e storia: una relazione ancora possibile?
Vertigini della scrittura
Machiavelli, il campo della sovranità, lo stato medio del popolo
Attilio Scuderi
(Università degli Studi di Catania)
Published in December, 2020
Writing as a vertigo: Machiavelli, Sovereignity and the “Middle Class”

A reading of Machiavelli beyond the opposite radicalisms, of left and right wing interpreters. Beyond the “mythology of doctrines”, toward a search of the rhetorical discourse, and of the writing as a “vertigo”. The core of the “classic” as the acceptance of the failures and the limits of thought.
Machiavelli, Intellectual History, Rhetorics, Sovereignity, Bourgeosie, Great Books.
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