N.2/2022 L’uomo nell’era digitale: coscienza, pensiero critico e spazio politico all’epoca di internet e dell’intelligenza artificiale
La repubblica «più mirabile del mondo».
Campanella e l’aurea età felice
Corrado Claverini
Published in December, 2022
«The Most Wonderful Republic in the World»: Campanella and the Golden Age of Happiness

This article sets out to make a detailed analysis of the Città del Sole
[Eng. trans. The City of the Sun] by Tommaso Campanella, while bearing in
mind the eschatological and prophetic schema that supports his philosophy and
the historical context of profound crisis affecting Calabria in his time. In particular, it will highlight three distinct elements of this utopian work. First of all,
the book is the idealization of an anti-Spanish revolt organized by Campanella
in order to establish a free Calabrian republic. Furthermore, the Città del Sole
is a utopia of the time, namely the description of an imminent event, a different
and better future to the «darkened century» in which the friar from Stilo lived.
Lastly, this work is not only literary fiction, a poetic dialogue, but a militant utopia for which the Calabrian philosopher risked his life.
Campanella; crisis; renovatio; Italian philosophical tradition; utopia.