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N.2/2023 Dalla teoria alla storia. Attualità e metodi della Storia della Filosofia
Storicità della filosofia e metafisica. A partire da un recente libro di J.-L. Marion
Alberto De Vita
Published in December, 2023
Historicity of Philosophy and Metaphysics.

The purpose of the following article is to examine the relationship between the history of philosophy and metaphysics starting with the most recent text by J.L. Marion. I will attempt to indicate the essential nuclei of the book, as well as the theoretical problems it suggests. Thus, I will explain in what sense, according to Marion, the history of philosophy shows the metaphysical constitution of philosophy itself, and how the latter can be dismissed in the name of a phenomenology that intercepts the questions of theology.
History, Metaphysics, Phenomenolohy, Givenness, Marion.
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