N.2/2023 Dalla teoria alla storia. Attualità e metodi della Storia della Filosofia
Dar voce al morto. Sull’École des Annales, la microstoria e sulla storicità del sapere filosofico
Maurizio Maria Malimpensa
Published in December, 2023
Giving voice to the dead. On the École des Annales, microhistory and the historicity of philosophical knowledge.

My essay aims to examine some characteristic features of the historiographical method of École des Annales and microstoria italiana. I intend to show how these historiographical directions are based on a philosophical consideration of the historical object. Through this analysis I wanted to show by difference how philosophy should be understood as historical knowledge and as a genealogical interrogation of the transcendental presupposition of knowledge. Indeed, starting from the Hegelian legacy, it is necessary to question the relationship between philosophy and history and the historicity of philosophical knowledge itself. However, this does not translate into mere historicism, but requires rethinking philosophical practice itself, historical practice and consequently also the history of philosophy. In the “exception case”, such as to falsify the historical reconstruction, is traced the richness offered by the legacy of the historiographical tradition of microhistory.
Microhistory, History of Philosophy, Genealogy, Post-Hegelianism, Hermeneutics, Transcendental Philosophy.