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N.2/2023 Dalla teoria alla storia. Attualità e metodi della Storia della Filosofia
Storia della filosofia e studi letterari. A partire da due recenti pubblicazioni
Giordano Ghirelli
Published in December, 2023
History of philosophy and literary studies. On two recent publications.

This paper focuses on the long-standing problem of the relationship between the history of philosophy and literature by examining two recent publications: The literary history of philosophy by Christian Benne, and Il sole nero dei Lumi. Sade filosofo by Marco Menin. I will try to show how these two texts demonstrate, one from a theoretical perspective and the other through a historical reconstruction, the need to recompose the rift that has become increasingly deep in recent years between philosophical research and literary studies.
Philosophy and literature, Literary history of philosophy, Textual embodiment, Sade.
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